British Boots & Bonnets of Rockford, Illinois

What We Are: A Club of owners or wanna-be owners of British Cars.

Who We Are: People dedicated to perpetuating the sport and hobby of enjoying British automobiles. We take great pride in the care and feeding of our precious British automobiles.

What We Do: British Boots & Bonnets is a driving club although there are members who own show cars also. We drive our cars, work on making them run better, and help them look attractive. We have varied events throughout the year such as day drives, overnight tours, rallies, trips to car shows, club tech sessions, picnics and parties, and monthly membership meetings.

What We Offer: A first class monthly newsletter (The Chronicle), technical help, varied events throughout the year, and the opportunity to make new friends and meet other like-minded British car owners. Membership includes immediate family and a family friendly environment at all events.

To Join: Contact any BBB member, complete our online membership application, or print and fill out the PDF formatted printable membership application.  Then come to one of our monthly meetings at:


Thunder Bay Grille
7652 Potawatomi Trail 
Rockford, IL

Club meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month except December. To see when our next monthly meeting is click for our Events Calendar. Or, if you'd prefer, you can mail your application with a check to:

British Boots & Bonnets Car Club
PMB 254
1643 North Alpine Road
Suite 104
Rockford, Illinois 61107